
Holiday House Cleaning Checklist after Hosting in Chatham, IL

Now that the party’s over, reclaim your home with our house cleaning checklist!

The holidays are a fun time if you enjoy getting together with friends and family, but hosting takes a lot of work. This is especially true when it’s time for house cleaning to return to your normal life after guests leave. Luckily, we’ve put together this helpful checklist to make sure you hit all the necessary spots.


When you have a lot of guests over for the holidays, there’s a good chance you’ll have to move some things around to accommodate everybody. Now that you no longer need seating for 15 people, you can put everything back how it was. This includes rearranging furniture and storing extra seating in the garage.


Dishes are another thing that gets a bit crazy when you host for the holidays. If you’re doing a traditional Christmas ham dinner, you’ll also need a dish for each side dish, desserts, appetizers and more. Each guest will need a glass, a plate and silverware. This means that you’ll have a lot of dishes to do, and you might even need to store your extra dishes somewhere if you don’t use them year-round.


home cleaning new year party in Chatham IL

If you like putting up holiday decorations to mark each holiday, now is the time to take down your decorations and return to normal life. Ideally, you should keep a box in your garage that’s designated specifically for holiday decorations. When each holiday rolls around, you can pull out your decorations and decorate. As the holiday comes to an end, you can simply put your decorations back in the box.

Deep Cleaning

Most households are somewhat small, so there aren’t dozens of people to make a big mess. When you host, your bathrooms, carpets, dining room and kitchen can all take a pretty serious beating. Carpet cleaning is essential to removing guests’ footprints—no pun intended. Make sure you hit all the little spots too, like toilets, sinks, floors, fabrics and upholstery, and even spots you don’t clean often like the inside of the garbage and recycling bins.

Get Some Help

home cleaning after party in Chatham IL

Cleaning isn’t the most enjoyable task, but it’s necessary. If you need help restoring your Chatham, IL, home to its former glory after hosting for the holidays, call a good janitorial service such as Golden Rule Cleaning. We’ll make sure we hit all the right spots to make your home feel cleaner and get you back to your usual life.

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